SourceScrub: Powerful Research Management Solution

Powerful Research

Powerful Research Management Solution






Dedicated team


Microsoft, Salesforce


Avenga builds SourceScrub, a powerful research management solution providing easy access to thousands of scrubbed company lists. For those involved in M&A business development, screening for target companies is a vital yet tedious task.

It includes meticulous research of various company lists and data scrubbing. It takes lots of time, which would be better spent on actual sourcing.

To resolve the issue, SourceScrub decided to gather all the needed info in one place and provide a comprehensive research management solution for investment professionals worldwide.

We got to the point where they were generating their own ideas. As they’re building the platform, they make suggestions to improve it. That’s been awesome. The first engineer we started with is still with us, and she’s a trusted leader of the team. We have a high level of trust and communication.

Prescott Nasser
Co-founder & CTO, SourceScrub

Powerful Research Management Solution


Avenga’s goal was to create a robust application allowing one to seek prospects across various sources such as trade shows, conferences, awards publications, etc., and order scrubbing a specific source, if necessary.



Comprehensive searching functionality tailored specifically for the needs of investors and sales representatives.

Company's lists

Companies list accumulated from all major trade shows, conferences, awards publications, and buyer’s guides.


Companies’ profiles with in-depth and up-to-date descriptions.


Easy integration and synchronization with SalesForce.


When offering its services, Avenga managed to deliver the following results:

  • a convenient data management system allowing investment professionals to quicken and enhance company list researching;
  • instant access to thousands of sources overlapping the most important vertices for M&A;
  • a constantly updated database, including detailed companies profiles;
  • a built-in robust search engine promptly processing custom queries.
Powerful Research Management Solution

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