HUNT: Integrated Cloud Solution

Cloud Solution

Integrated Cloud Solution


Hunt Mortgage Group


Financial services


Solution engineering


AWS, Aurora DB, CI/CD


Hunt Mortgage Group, a subsidiary of Hunt Companies, Inc, is a leader in financing all types of commercial real estate throughout the United States. Since its inception, the company manged to structure more than $27 billion of loans. In addition, HUNT Mortgage Group maintains a servicing portfolio of more than $14 billion. Overall, the company provides financing services to all types of commercial real estate, including affordable housing, manufactured ousing, senior housing, office, retail, and healthcare.

Due to the expansion of its services, the company faced a greater degree of process complexity and fragmentation. Keeping that in mind, Hunt Mortgage Group sought the solution to optimize its business processes, as well as get valuable insights on the existing demand curve to get a competitive edge. Avenga was tasked with delivering such a soluion as soon as possible.


Hunt Mortgage Group is a specialty finance company focused on financing commercial real estate nationwide and offering its own proprietary loan products on top of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, HUD/FHA, etc. Therefore, the company’s processes are complex and highly segmented. In today’s competitive business environment, it’s critical to optimize operations and costs, get transparent and real-time insights on demand, while proposing the best financial option for the customers quickly.

Because of this, the client needed to overcome challenges posed by the traditional loan origination process. They partnered with Avenga to build a secure, accessible and reliable cloud solution that would streamline internal processes, reduce human errors and help improve business efficiency


Custom cloud solution

Avenga’s team developed an integrated cloud solution hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services) that provides efficiency across the client’s loan and lien business processes. The team built a custom cloud solution starting with the design of the event-driven architecture to implementation of the global system infrastructure and key system modules (like lead management, underwriting module, lightweight workflow management, document storage, and notification subsystems) to initial system support. Each module, consisting of numerous components, was hosted on AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine.

Resilience and scalability

In order for the future system to become highly resilient, scalable, to be able to evolve independently and flexibly, we opted for asynchronous messaging between components with service bus (Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS).

User Interface

The UI part was done using a single-page application and was hosted with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Cloudfront. This increases the performance of the application, expands the security of the application without impacting costs. By means of the AWS CloudWatch, the system health, logging, allerting, app performance, monitored for the discovery of insights to keep the application running smoothly. We also used Aurora service which enabled development of an efficient database containing huge data volumes of relevant and historic data that was critical for the client to keep.

Smooth workflow

The solution allows for the smooth running of every process as a workflow, avoiding excessive steps and data duplication, effectively notifying the responsible persons, and storing the historical data for analytics. This solution covers the peak-load period during the high season.


Hunt’s cooperation with Avenga resulted in bringing their mortgage solutions and operations to the cloud. A secure cloud-enabled solution increased the efficiency of business operations across the organization. It allowed automated flows, reduced overhead, minimized costly errors, shortened the application process, and improved customer experience. That is, it provided the required flexibility leading to better productivity and consequently a return on investment.

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