
Avenga helps DataXu build a platform that leverages Big Data and speaks to every need of enterprise digital marketing.

About Dataxu

Marketing teams at enterprises face a profound challenge: The hefty datasets they’re obtaining from cloud-based systems, such as Hadoop, outstrip significantly their analytical capabilities. Our client DataXu is a renowned provider of programmatic marketing solutions for marketing teams that concerns itself with helping businesses solve their big data issues.

Fundamentally, the company’s goal is to consolidate and streamline conventional campaign building and marketing processes. It has reached out to Avenga seeking to enhance their highly customizable platform and thus help companies – their clients – to refine how they target modern consumers.

DataXu’s mission, and ours consequently, is to allow businesses to get rid of the manual vendor management and endless spreadsheet shuffling – to free up employees to focus on more creative and engaging work.

The firm has been our long-time partner whom we’ve assisted in various endeavors. Lately, we’ve been working primarily on re-engineering and redesigning the UI of DataXu’s all-in-one marketing platform that stores together clients’ data and insights and provides efficient tools that help execute optimizations suggested by those insights. Besides that, we’ve been optimizing the back-end of the company’s new platform DataXu TV.


We’ve been commissioned to transform DataXu’s cumbersome Ruby on Rails legacy platform into a modern single page solution that’s comprised of the intuitive front-end (written in Agular) and an API (written in Ruby on Rails).

The goal of our work is to benefit both DataXu customers (for whom we’ve created a UI that’s a breeze to navigate through) and the company itself whose database is no longer accessible directly for thousands of subsystems since we’ve introduced the API.


Some of the things we’ve done for DataXu over the years include:

  • Engineered the JasperLabs progressive DCO platform that DataXu later acquired and that helped the company to better serve their clients in traveling and e-commerce verticals.
  • Designed an intuitive interface for DataXu’s current marketing platform which enables users to customize their campaigns, i.e., specify budgets, audiences, target locations, etc., and execute them with a few clicks.
  • Rebuilt completely the platform’s back-end: engineered an advanced API that serves as an intermediary between DataXu’s database and various subsystems thus preventing congestion.
  • Maintained the app’s stability in terms of performance throughout the time the system was being updated; prevented downtimes.
  • Set up an elaborate reporting system, which notifies DataXu’s clients about insights the system picks up from the data it’s acquired from CDNs.
  • Engineered a Java-based system that collects automatically people’s digital footprint (browsing data from various devices, etc.,) and helps DataXu clients (those in the media businesses) to target shoppers with personalized, high-value offers.


A smooth transition to a modern single-page application that has not in any way inconvenienced DataXu’s clients.
An easy to use solution, with numerous knobs and levers that enable campaign customization, that speaks to all the needs of digital marketing across an enterprise.
Highly performant API that makes campaign management on DataXu’s platform seamless and completely transparent.


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