Privacy Policy Malaysia

Notis Privasi (Read in Malay)

Privacy Notice

AVENGA MALAYSIA SDN BHD (hereinafter referred to as “AVENGA”) respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out how AVENGA collects, stores and handles personal information (as defined below) of individuals in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“PDPA”) and the laws of Malaysia.

Please read this Privacy Policy to understand how we use the personal information we may collect from you. By providing your personal information to us, you are consenting to this Privacy Policy and the collection, use, access, transfer, storage and processing of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will publish the amended version on this page. Continued use of the service will signify that you agree to any such changes.

1. Our commitment to you

1.1. We value your trust and are committed to protecting your personal information. To ensure that you can make informed decisions and feel confident about supplying your personal information to us when using AVENGA websites, Products and/or Services, we provide you with this Privacy Policy outlining our practices and the choices you have concerning how your personal information is being collected and used by us.

2. Defining personal information

2.1. Personal information refers to any information which relates directly or indirectly to you. This includes any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact you. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information encompasses sensitive personal information which relates to information relating to your health, political opinions, religious beliefs, etc. For the avoidance of doubt, please note that this Privacy Policy is applicable only if you are a natural person / an individual.

3. Personal information we collect

3.1. For us to provide you with the best possible Products and/or Services and to operate in an efficient and effective manner, we need to collect relevant personal information from you. The personal information collected by us may include (but is not limited to) the following:

a. Sensitive information such as your name, date of birth, identification supporting documents (including NRIC or passport number), gender, nationality, and race.

b. Contact information such as current private and/or business address, telephone or mobile phone number, fax number, email address and physical address.

c. The status of the Products and/or Services you have acquired from us.

Usage Storage period
_ga (Google) Differentiation from users 2 years
_gat (Google) Google property ID 1 minute
_gid (Google) Differentiation from users 1 day
_gac_<property-id> (Google) Differentiation of users in Google campaigns 1 minute
AMP_TOKEN Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from the AMP Client ID Service 1 day
__cfduid (HubSpot) Security cookie from Cloudflare, the CDN provider of Hubspot 30 days
__hssc (Hubspot) Tracking of session 30 minutes
__hssrc (Hubspot) Session-Cookie session
__hstc (Hubspot) contains the domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit) and session no. 13 month
hubspotutk (Hubspot) Tracking the identity of a visitor to deduplicate contacts 13 month
_pxhd (Hubspot) Sessioncookie from Zoominfo, Service provider of Hubspot session
connect.sid (Hubspot) Sessioncookie from Zoominfo, Service provider of Hubspot session
visitorId (Hubspot) Sessioncookie from Zoominfo, Service provider of Hubspot session
UserMatchHistory (LinkedIn) Feed and Insight Tag 30 days
bcookie (LinkedIn) Optimize reach of advertising on LinkedIn 2 years
bscookie (LinkedIn) Optimize reach of advertising on LinkedIn 2 years
lang (LinkedIn) Language in session Session
lidc (LinkedIn) Optimize reach of advertising on LinkedIn 1 day
lissc (LinkedIn) Optimize reach of advertising on LinkedIn 1 year
li_sugr (LinkedIn) Identification of the browser 3 month
BizographicsOptOut (LinkedIn) Determining the opt-out status for third-party tracking 10 years
_guid (LinkedIn) Browser identification for interaction with Google Ads 1 year
li-oatml (LinkedIn) Indirect identifier for conversion tracking, retargeting, analysis 1 month
li_fat_id (LinkedIn) Indirect identifier for conversion tracking, retargeting, analysis 1 month
U (LinkedIn) Identification of the browser, LinkedIn Insight tag if the IP address is in an unknown country 3 month
snid Tracking the identity of a visitor to deduplicate contacts 5 years


3.2. The personal data of the users processed in the context of this online offer includes usage data (the visited websites of our online offer, access times), communication data (device IDs, IP addresses, location data, browser type and version, operating system used, website, from You visit us), content data (entries in the contact form) as well as applicant data (name, contact details, subject areas, application documents).

4. Cookies

4.1. Cookies are information transmitted by our web server or third-party web servers to users’ web browsers and stored there for later retrieval. Cookies can be small files or other types of information storage.

4.2. The use of cookies in the context of pseudonymous range measurement informs users in the context of this privacy policy.

4.3. If users do not want cookies stored on their computer, they will be asked to disable the option in their browser’s system settings. Saved cookies can be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this online offer.

4.4. You may opt for the use of cookies for distance measurement and promotional purposes through the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt -out page
( ) and, in addition, the US website
( ) or the European website
( your-ad-choices/).

4.5. Our cookies usage can differ depending on the browser, device or network settings, as follows:

1. Functional cookies, cookies on user behaviour and analysis technologies

Name Usage
Storage period
CookieMessageClosed Store cookie banner information
30 days
NearestLocation set language of Avenga office near to you
1 day


2. Third party cookies

Usage Storage period
nQ_cookieId This cookie is used by Albacross to identify the users on the website 1 year
nQ_visitId Albacross Identify user session 1 year
uslk_s Userlike session cookie session
uslk_e Cookie by Userlike to identify user 1 year


3. Cookies Hotjar

Name Usage Storage period
_hjClosedSurveyInvites Cookie that is used to ensure that the same invite does not reappear if it has already been shown. 1 year
_hjDonePolls Cookie that is used to ensure that the same poll does not reappear if it has already been filled in. 1 year
_hjMinimizedPolls Cookie that is used to ensure that the widget stays minimized when the visitor navigates through your site. 1 year
_hjShownFeedbackMessage Cookie that is set when a visitor minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback 1 year
_hjid Cookie that is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. 1 year
_hjRecordingLastActivity Sessioncookie session
_hjTLDTest Sessioncookie session
_hjUserAttributesHash Sessioncookie session
_hjCachedUserAttributes Sessioncookie session
_hjLocalStorageTest This cookie is used to check if the Hotjar Tracking Script can use local storage. session
_hjIncludedInSample Sessioncookie session
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress This cookie is used to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/False flag set by the cookie. 30 Minutes


5. How we collect personal information

5.1. We may collect personal information directly from your authorised representatives, or from publicly available sources:

a. When you communicate with us (for example when you submit a contact form on our website, or when you contact us for any enquiries by phone).

b. When you subscribe to a specific Product and/or Service on our website.

c. When you commence a business relationship with us (for example, as a service provider/business partner).

d. When you visit any of our offices.

e. When you visit or browse our websites.

f. When you lodge a complaint with us.

g. When you provide feedback to us.

h. When you interact with us via social media or interactive applications including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

5.2. Other than personal information obtained from you directly (as detailed above), we may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with. We may also collect information from such other sources where you have given your consent for the disclosure of personal data relating to you, and/or where otherwise lawfully permitted.

6. Use of personal information

6.1. Upon reading this Privacy Policy you agree that we may use your personal information as permitted by applicable laws. We may collect and use your personal information for one or more of the following purposes:

a. To comply with any legal or regulatory obligations under the applicable laws, regulations, guidelines or industry codes that applies to us.

b. To provide you with the Products and/or Services you have requested.

c. To administer and manage the Products and/or Services we provide you (including charging, billing, facilitating payments and collecting debts).

d. To engage in business transactions in respect of Products and/or Services to be offered and provided to you.

e. To establish and better manage any business relationship we may have with you.

f. To help us monitor and improve the performance of our Products and Services, our customer service teams and our website.

g. To maintain and develop our business systems and infrastructure, including testing and upgrading of these systems.

h. To manage staff training and quality assurance.

i. To notify you about benefits and changes to the features of our Products and/or Services.

j. To produce data, reports and statistics which shall be anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual.

k. To analyse statistical data from website and advertisement analytics.

l. To conduct marketing activities (for example, market research).

m. To investigate, respond to, or defend claims made against, or involving AVENGA.

n. To maintain records required for security, claims or other legal purposes.

o. or any other purposes that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities.

7. Disclosure of personal information

7.1. We assure you that AVENGA will not provide or sell your personal information to any third party and will keep all information confidential. However, we may be required or need to disclose information about you to the following third parties:

a. Law enforcement agencies.

b. Government agencies.

c. Companies and/or organisations that act as our agents, contractors, service providers and/or professional advisers.

d. Other parties in respect of whom you have given your express or implied consent.

8. Incomplete personal information

8.1. Where indicated (for example in registration/application forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal information to us to enable us to process your application for our Products and/or Services. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal
information, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our Products and/or Services.

9. Your options

9.1. We can assist you to access and correct your personal information held by us.

9.2. If you wish to have access to your personal information in our possession, or if you are of the opinion that such personal information held by us is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, not relevant or not up-to-date, you may make a request to us by emailing to You should quote your name, address and phone/account number and provide brief details of the information you want to correct.

9.3. We will use reasonable efforts to comply with your request to access or correct your personal information within 7 days of receiving your request.

10. How long do we keep your personal information?

10.1. We will retain your personal information in compliance with this Policy and/or the terms and conditions of your agreement(s) with AVENGA for the duration of your relationship with us. We are required to keep this information as it may be necessary to protect the interests of AVENGA and/or its customers. Therefore, we reserve the right to keep your personal information when it is required by the law and/or by AVENGA’s relevant policies.

11. Updates to privacy policy

11.1. We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time and the updated version shall apply and supersede any and all previous versions, including but not limited to, leaflets or hard copy versions. Please check our website for our most up-to-date practices.

12. Our contact details

12.1. Should you have any queries, concerns, or complaints in relation to Privacy Policy section, kindly contact us during office hours (between 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, UTC +8) at the following contact points:

Designation Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Telephone: 03 2201 2488
Address: Suite 13.03, Level 13, The Gardens South Tower,
Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City,
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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