Avenga hilft: Supporting Children in Ukraine

Avenga hilft:
Supporting Children
of Heroes in Ukraine

We’re excited to share that the privately funded charity project Avenga hilft has joined forces with the Children of Heroes Foundation – an organization that extends long-term support to children who have lost one or both parents due to the Russian war in Ukraine. Their assistance is not only immediate but also strategic – the foundation supports each child until adulthood and even beyond, assisting with education, internships, and employment opportunities.

Avenga hilft and the Children of Heroes Foundation share common values and goals – creating a nurturing environment for children to overcome challenges, transform their lives, and build a brighter future for themselves and Ukraine. That’s why Avenga hilft has donated $20,000 towards medical insurance for 142 children, covering a wide range of medical services, including complex surgeries and rehabilitation.

One of the beneficiaries is Vova, an 8-year-old boy with a delicate heart condition requiring a pacemaker. Excited about starting school this year, Vova faces difficulties in playing with friends due to his health condition. After the loss of his father, a Ukrainian officer engaged in combat missions near Avdiivka, Vova and his brother are now under the care of Children of Heroes. Thanks to the support of dedicated partners, Vova has gained access to essential medical care, offering him a glimmer of hope and a journey toward healing.

Avenga hilft e.V. (“Avenga helps”) is a privately funded charity project, which collects donations, 100% of which go to humanitarian aid projects in Ukraine and for refugees fleeing the war. The non-profit association was founded by Avenga’s management and staff shortly after the Russian invasion began. Together with our great network of partner companies, we deliver relief supplies quickly and easily to where they are needed. We also fund local purchases wherever possible.

As Avenga hilft continues its mission to make a meaningful impact, the collaboration with Children of Heroes stands as a shining example of solidarity and compassion in the face of adversity. Together, we create a brighter future for the children of Ukraine.


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