Avenga donates one million hryvnias to help rebuild Okhmatdyt hospital

Avenga donates
1 million hryvnias
to help rebuild
Okhmatdyt hospital

In the wake of the devastating missile strike on July 8, 2024, that severely damaged Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital, Okhmatdyt,  Avenga announced a donation of 1,000,000 UAH to support the hospital’s urgent restoration efforts.

The attack, which saw over 40 missiles launched by Russian forces, left a trail of destruction across Okhmatdyt, obliterating its toxicology building and causing extensive damage to various critical departments, including surgical, oncology, and intensive care units. The hospital, a lifeline for over 20,000 children annually, faced unprecedented challenges in the aftermath, prompting a swift response from the international community.

Avenga’s financial support highlights the company’s dedication to humanitarian causes and solidarity with Ukraine. “Our hearts go out to the children, families, and medical staff affected by this tragedy,” Marta Romanyak, VP Global Branding, said. “We believe that our contribution will speed up the recovery of Okhmatdyt, ensuring the continued provision of necessary medical care.”

Okhmatdyt, located in Kyiv, is not just a hospital but a symbol of hope and resilience. As one of Europe’s foremost children’s medical centers, it offers specialized treatments and has saved countless lives over the years. The hospital’s ability to provide high-quality healthcare is crucial for the well-being of children across Ukraine. The support from Avenga and other donors is vital to sustaining these efforts and rebuilding a stronger, more resilient Okhmatdyt.

As reconstruction efforts gain momentum, the story of Okhmatdyt and its supporters is a powerful reminder of the impact that collective action and corporate philanthropy can have in times of need. Through this donation, Avenga provides immediate relief and reinforces the spirit of global solidarity, ensuring that Okhmatdyt can continue its vital mission of saving lives and offering hope to countless families.

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