Avenga, an IT service provider focused on digital excellence, discloses the source code of their unique product Couper and makes it freely available on GitHub.
The development of the API gateway is based on over 20 years of experience and is designed for organizations with an existing IT infrastructure. It facilitates the realization of front-end-driven digitization projects by taking over recurring tasks, such as the secure connection of user logins or the stable use of remote sources. Developers can thus focus on user interfaces as well as business logic and release products much quicker, which offers customers an immediate added value.
Among the Avenga customers that already rely on Couper to implement their digital strategy are FAZ, Boehringer Ingelheim, HDI, NetCologne, and Novoferm.
This past year has shown us all how important it is for companies to be able to react quickly and with flexibility in order to meet constantly changing customer needs with strategic products. Due to rapid technological development, this ability is likely to become even more important in the future.
“When it comes to providing attractive online offers in a timely manner, many traditional companies struggle with backend infrastructures and processes which have grown over decades. For this reason, we decided to release Couper’s source code under a MIT license. Our API gateway enables faster time-to-market for portals, single-page applications, and online direct sales – all with an excellent customer experience,” said Roland Guelle, VP Technology at Avenga.
Use cases for Couper
Couper helps organizations improve their customers’ digital experience, modernize IT, and secure interfaces.
1. Targeting specific audiences
Too many applications are overloaded with features as they simultaneously try to address the challenges of different audiences. With Couper, companies can design dedicated front-end APIs that allow them to quickly launch new products and specific user interfaces for their existing systems and services.
2. Modernizing IT
Digital product development is often delayed by outdated back-end systems. By decoupling the front-end from the back-end, Couper enables you to start product development immediately while gradually modernizing your existing IT infrastructure.
3. Securing interfaces
Security plays an important role in all the phases of application development, especially when an app needs to access business-critical data and resources. Couper simplifies their securing with a configurable access control layer that implements JWT, SAML and OAuth.
“As a sustainable IT services provider, we see it as our mission to help traditional organizations prepare for the future. That’s why we’ve now made one of our most important tools freely available. If the software is not enough for an organization, various professional support options, security updates and a private communication channel can be added,” said Jan Webering, CEO of Avenga.
For more information, visit the Couper website and GitHub.
Here you will find images and graphics that you are free to use for your own articles about Couper.
For more information, please get in touch with Avenga’s Head of Public Relations Nicolas Meudt.